Friday, December 31, 2010

You Knew I Had To Finish With Weird Al, Didn't Ya?

December 31st - Your Favorite Song At This Time Last Year 

    It is of course New Year's Eve. So at this time of year one can't help but wonder what the future holds. What kinds of things might happen to me over the coming year? Fortunately science has provided us with a way to foretell the answers to questions like these. There is no official video for this song however I'd like to think Al would approve of this one.

That's Your Horoscope For Today - "Weird Al" Yankovic

   For those of you playing along at home I'm a Taurus. I thank you for stopping by today and everyday you may have visited this past year (though I've only been going for a few months). I wish nothing but the best for you and yours in the coming year. HAPPY AWESOME NEW YEAR!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

There's Just Something About The 50s

December 30th - A Song From Your Childhood

    Let me start by saying NO I am not that old. Like most children I grew up listening to the songs my parents played. My mom used to play records (yes vinyl records) of the songs she enjoyed as teenager when I was little. This was one of my favorites. Perhaps because of the funny high pitched monster voice, I don't know. But listening to songs like this as a child no doubt contributed to my love of weird & unusual music.

Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley

    Another favorite from that era for me is this little diddy. Whenever I heard one of these I would always ask mom to play the other right after. Sometimes she did and sometimes she didn't.

Beep, Beep - The Playmates

   Oddly enough both of these songs are from 1958. I hope you enjoyed this little blast from the past. Take care of those you love and have an awesome day!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Beloved Childhood Memory Shatterred In 5, 4...

December 29th - A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

    In general I don't feel guilty for my musical choices. There is however a song that makes me feel a tad guilty. This is not because I feel  like others would look down on me for listening to it. Rather it is because the song itself is just so damn wrong. Don't get me wrong its one of the funniest things I ever heard. This is largely due to the fact however that it is just so completely wrong. Here give a listen and you'll see what I mean!

The Song of the Count (censored) - Sesame Street

   This song NEVER gets old. I laugh out loud every time I hear it! I do not know who the genius was that edited this. I am just glad that they did. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome &#@!ing day!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We Miss You Johnny

December 28th - A Song That You Wish You Could Play

    I can not play the guitar. In middle school music class they covered guitar chords and tried to teach us but I didn't do so well. I think its probably the same reason I can't play the piano with both hands. My hands tend to want to do the same thing when I play instruments. The desire to play songs like this one and others is almost enough at times to make me want to try again though. I'd love to be able to sit around a campfire and strum out a tune while singing. Rest assured if I ever do learn how to play this will most likely be the first song I get good enough to play.

Folsom Prison Blues - Johnny Cash

   My friend Melody can totally play this song on guitar & sing it as well. I am so jealous of her talent! Thanks for stopping by today. Hug your loved ones and have an awesome day!

Monday, December 27, 2010

I Love A Big Brass!

December 27th - A Song That You Can Play on An Instrument

    Music has always had a special place in my heart. When I was in elementary school I would peck out songs on the piano by ear. I learned to play the recorder at church (yes I used to go when I was little). In high school I finally joined the school band. I started on the baritone horn but had trouble with the high notes. My teacher suggested I try the tuba instead. I took to it like a duck to water. After a few months of playing I was moved up to the advanced band (skipping intermediate entirely) and received various solo performance awards all the way up to the state level. My tuba got me to college. Without the scholarships for it I doubt I would have been able to afford to go. I also taught myself to play the harmonica while I was in high school. A couple of years ago I bought a set of bag pipes but I haven't ad much luck with them. However due to my band experiences I can play any brass instrument. So first I give you a song I can play by myself.

Tequila - The Champs

   Next I give you not only one of my favorite soundtrack pieces but one of the songs I enjoyed most that I got to play with an orchestra. You haven't really experienced this song until you are sitting in the middle of a talented orchestra full of musicians playing it yourself.

The Raiders March (Raiders of the Lost Ark) - John Williams & The London Symphony Orchestra

   Such fond memories come flooding back listening to that song. I hope you enjoyed my blog today. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'd like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.

   I have thought about it for a while. I am a fan of Rocky Horror. I am also a huge fan of Family Guy. So of course I wonder what it might be like if Family Guy finally did a recreation of the cult classic. I have put together a cast list of what I have in mind.

Rocky Family Horror Guy Picture Show

Dr. Frank-N-Furter - A Scientist = Stewie Griffin
Janet Weiss - A Heroine = Bonnie Swanson
Brad Majors - A Hero = Glen Quagmire
Riff Raff - A Handyman = Chris Griffin
Magenta - A Domestic = Meg Griffin
Columbia - A Groupie = Lois Griffin
Dr. Everett V. Scott - A Rival Scientist = Joe Swanson
Rocky Horror - A Creation = Brian Griffin
Eddie - Ex Delivery Boy = Peter Griffin
The Criminologist - An Expert = Adam West
The Transylvanians = Various citizens of Quahog

   Personally I don't think this will ever happen, at least not for release on TV, But one can dream!

Let's Go A Different Route

December 26th - A Song That Makes You Laugh

   As you know I love Weird Al. He is the king of all that is parody! I also love They Might Be Giants. Their songs always make me smile. The Monty Python crew are also always good for a laugh. However there is a song that gets me rolling on the floor laughing. To truly enjoy it you have to be familiar with a guy named Danny. If curse words offend you, well you probably aren't here in the first place however this song is extraordinarily full of them, you have been warned!

Freedom of Speech (Tourettes Guy Remix) - HappyFat and Chinese

   It had been rumored for a few years that Danny had died. Turns out he was just in jail and has a couple of new videos out. Just an update for any fans out there. Here's another funny classic I found because of youtube. Its short but I guarantee you it will stick in your head, again you have been warned.

Llama Song - Burton Earny

   I could go on all day posting stuff but I don't want to bore anyone. Thanks for stopping by to see what I had to say. Take care of each other and have an awesome day!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

December 25th - Your Favorite Christmas Song

    I made a post a few days ago titled "A Happy And Joyous Yule To One And All" which covered a lot of my Holiday favorites. However I purposely omitted my favorite Christmas song to use today.

Christmas At Ground Zero - "Weird Al" Yankovic

   I would like to wish a very Merry Christmas to everyone! Regardless of what your beliefs may be or what you call your holiday at this time of year.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Why So Serious?

December 24th - A Song You Want Played at Your Funeral

    I covered this thoroughly in my blog "When I'm Gone" last month. However me being me after the ceremony is over and everyone is milling about there is a song I'd liked played. It should come without warning when there is a lull but before people start to leave.

I'll Be Mellow When I'm Dead - "Weird Al" Yankovic

   This should serve to lighten the mood and help people remember not to take things so seriously. Just because I'm gone doesn't mean its a sad thing. Sure those that know me best may miss me but death is just the next step in the journey not the end of it. I don't want people to mourn for my loss. Rather I want them to be happy for me because I would have moved on with my journey. Thanks for stopping by and have a fucking awesome day!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wedding Bells Will Ring

December 23rd - A Song That You Want to Play at Your Wedding

   A wedding normally ends up being more about what the woman wants. Disagree and or scream at me if you will but we all know its true. However a song or two played at the reception is generally within the meager amount of decision the man gets to make. Although I have two ex-wives I have never been legally married. Neither have I ever had any form of public ceremony or reception. This is partly because I am a man of simple tastes. You don't need a piece of paper from the state to solidify your commitment to someone. Actions speak louder than words, be they written or spoken.

More than Words - Extreme

   That song expresses what I want from my significant other, as well as what they can expect from me. A lifetime of doing what we can to show how much we care for each other. This next song expresses what I would hope I would feel about the woman I marry. Its a beautiful song, and I can actually sing it fairly well.

Lonestar - Amazed

   I would very much like a really wedding one day. With any luck the next woman I marry will be the last and we will live happily ever after.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Triple Sadness

December 22nd - A Song You Listen to When You're Sad

   When I am already sad I listen to slightly different songs then when I want to feel sad. That may sound weird to some of you but sometimes its good to be sad its therapeutic. Anyway when I am sad instead of trying to listen to happy, sunshiny stuff (that usually makes me want to strangle someone at that precise moment) I generally listen to really sad songs. This amplifies my sadness and normally helps me get through it faster. There are a lot of songs I go to for this process but the first one is usually this song. When someone you love is hurting and there is absolutely nothing you can do to help ease their pain its is completely heartbreaking. This song always reminds me of a past love that had a lot of issues that I just couldn't do anything about. These issues eventually made it impossible for us to work as a couple but it didn't stop me from loving her. Stepping aside and watching the person you love move on without you is never easy. Even  when you know its the best thing possible for both of you.

Joey - Concrete Blonde

   That song always make me move on to this next song. Its an oldie but a goodie.When the person you love is gone how else can you feel but sad?

Ain't No Sunshine (When She's Gone) - Bill Withers

   After this song finishes I usually have one more prerequisite I go to. Its another older song which is part of why I think of it at this time. But it was also the song I shared with my first girlfriend. She dumped me "because her father told her too" in the summer between my junior and senior year of high school. She was obviously devastated by our break up since I saw her riding in an acquaintance's car not even a full week later. This song makes me think of our time together.

Stand By Me - Ben E. King

   Well that about wraps it up for today. Thanks for stopping by to give my blog a glance. I hope your day is filled with awesomeness!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Happy And Joyous Yule To One And All

   Its Winter Solstice time again. All of us good little Pagan boys and girls get our presents four days early. This is a time of joy and celebration so I thought I would take some time and post a few of my favorite things of the holiday season. These would include my favorite Holiday movies, specials, songs, TV shows, and video clips. A little of everything I associate with the season. Lets start with my favorite holiday movie. Its a takeoff on the Charles Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol"

Scrooged - Bill Murray, Carol Kane, Bobcat Goldthwait

   Before there was a South Park on Comedy Central there was just two guys with a dream. They made a video clip of a little show they believed in. With almost no budget and no backing they produced a five minute episode  and distributed it on the internet. This was before youtube when you pretty much had to rely on email forwards to get your clips seen. But they hung in there and got their message out. That would be pilot episode had a Christmas theme and was the funniest Christmas special I had ever seen. So here it is South Park Spirit of Christmas or soxmas as the original clip was named.

Spirit of Christmas - South Park

   When I was a kid this was my favorite Christmas special. I love Dr. Seuss. He is very much missed.

You're A Mean one, Mr. Grinch (How The Grinch Stole Christmas) - Dr. Seuss

   And now a holiday commercial break. Let's face it nothing quite says its time for the holidays like seeing your favorite holiday ads on TV.

Garmin - Original Holiday Ad

Target - 2009 Holiday Ad

   OK back to the show. Next on the list I have some of my favorite Holiday songs to share with you. First up is an all time favorite. Its classic, its timeless, and its catchy. The video is cute which makes it even better.

White Christmas - The Drifters

   Next up is a little number from the King. I guess being a Memphis born Southern boy makes loving this Christmas song a must.

Blue Christmas - Elvis Presley

   OK now we move away from the tradition songs. These next few songs are a bit out there but are a big part of the Holiday season to me. First up is a Christmas carol from a special little 10 year old.

O Holy Night -Eric Cartman

   Next is a sad Holiday song from a friend of his.

I'm a Jew on Christmas - Kyle Broflovski

   Next is a special treat from the Muppets. Well three of them anyway.

Ringing of the Bells - The Muppets

   While we are visiting with the Muppets I thought I'd add a song of theirs I have loved since I was a little boy. It was originally on the  Muppet Christmas Special with John Denver. It sums up my feelings of the holidays pretty well. We should all stop fussing and fighting and getting offended by other peoples beliefs. The holidays are a time to come together and celebrate. Quit focusing on what you call it, what you think it should entail, and what your beliefs are and just reach out to your fellow man.

The Christmas Wish - John Denver & The Muppets

   Lastly I would be remiss if I did not mention my favorite instrumental holiday song. Its just not the holidays to me until I've heard this song.

Christmas Eve in Sarajevo - Trans Siberian Orchestra

   Well that's the end of my little collection of holiday cheer. I hope it helped put you in the Holiday spirit if you were lacking in it. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Cross Genre Goodness

December 21st - A Song You Listen to When You're Happy

   My musical taste varies greatly. So when I am happy there's no telling what you'll hear coming out of my speakers. However there is one song in particular I love to hear when I'm in a good mood. Its funny and it always makes me smile. There is just something about hearing a rap song come out with a country twang that tickles me to no end. My friend Melody introduced me to this song. She got the group wrong and thought it was the Barenaked Ladies when it is in fact The Gourds. But we all make mistakes now and then. I bring you one of my favorite cross genre songs...

Gin and Juice - The Gourds

   In the same vein there is one more song I'd like to share. This one I found all on my own. Its by a funky little group called Boss Hoss. This song is even more bizarre as this group is from Germany.

Word Up - Boss Hoss

   Well that's about all for this post. Thanks for stopping by and have a freaking awesome day!

Monday, December 20, 2010

It Angries Up The Blood

December 20th - A Song You Listen to When You're Angry

    Music is very versatile. Every mood has a song that goes with it. Sometimes these songs bring out the emotion in you. Sometimes they help you deal with your emotions. When I'm angry I generally don't go running for the computer to listen to songs. However if I am angry and happen to be listening to some tunes I do have a few I like to listen to. One of them is of course Puddle of Mudd - She Hates Me but I used that in a previous day's challenge. For this challenge I think I will go with a certain Everclear song that I always throw on when I am pissed off. I never start off listening to it but I always end up hearing it at least once before I've finished being mad.

Father Of Mine - Everclear

   If you're a follower of my blog you know I have issues with my father so this song definitely strikes a chord with me. The emotions that it stirs up are wide and varied but its one of those songs I always want to hear when I'm already pissed off. Now I can't let an opportunity of mentioning angry music go by without mentioning another favorite of mine. While it encompasses a lot of angry songs you can't help but feel happy when listen to it.

Angry White Boy Polka - "Weird Al" Yankovic

    Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. Oh and you may want to head over to my friend Melody's media blog and check out the latest plastercast. "PlasteredCast Part 2" features my friend @YourMelody1 her husband @YourMark1 and me @Darnack71. This will only be up for a limited time so check it out while you still can. Its some seriously funny stuff! Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Albums are those things people used to buy before MP3s

December 19th - A Song From Your Favorite Album

   If you've been following along this month you should know by now that my favorite musical artist is "Weird Al" Yankovic. You should also know that my favorite band is They Might Be Giants and that my favorite comedy team (musical or otherwise) is Monty Python. It should then be a shock to you that my favorite album is not from any of these three powerhouses. Although I love each of these performers dearly a favorite album has to be one in which you absolutely LOVE every song on it. I admit there are songs on these performers albums I jump over. Either to get to a song I like better or because I just don't particularly care for that song much. There is however one album that I never tire of. I love every song on it and have never skipped a song for any reason. That album is "Blues Brother - The Definitive Collection". So I bring to you a few songs from that album...

Can't Turn You Loose - The Blues Brothers

   You can't deny the Blues Brothers of their iconic intro. Just hearing this song begin to play makes my pulse quicken. And now that they are on stage let's move on...

Everybody Needs Somebody (To Love) - The Blues Brothers

Soul Man - The Blues Brothers

Sweet Home Chicago - The Blues Brothers

   I could go on and on and post the whole album but I won't. Although it does take great restraint. I love the Blues Brothers and I miss John Belushi very much. Others try to replicate them but nothing quite has the same feel. Jim Belushi as Zee Blues with Dan Ackroyd as Elwood Blues does come close though. I hope you enjoyed this music and I hope your day is an awesome one!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Top 50 Movies Of All Time

   I watched Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World with my best friend last night. Mel lives in another state so we synced our DVD and Blu-Ray players as best we could and talked over the phone while we watched. It is a new found favorite of hers and she was very excited for me to see it so I could give her my reaction. After seeing it I remarked that I liked it so much it may have made my top 20 movies list. Once I began to think about it I realized that I had never worked out what those were beyond 5 or 10. I decided to jot out a list and try to put it in order. After a quick scribble I had 33 movies just off the top of my head. After thinking a bit more and sleeping on it I arrived at 52 titles that deserved a mention. I organized these as best I could into my order of preference and cut the last two. This list is of course my personal opinion and is more about how these movies make me feel than how well they are filmed. I put in dates since Hollywood is so keen on remakes and reusing titles to avoid any confusion. I lumped together series in some instances because in my mind they deserve to stand as a set. I will not bore you with clips of all 50 movies. I'll just put up a short clip and blurb of my top 10 then list the rest for you. So here we go in reverse order to build suspense.

50. Moulin Rogue (2001)
49. All Of Me (1984)
48. Silent Hill (2006)
47. Titanic (1997)
46. Monty Python's : Meaning of Life (1983)
45. Something's Gotta Give (2003)
44. The Pit and the Pendulum (1991)
43. Embrace of the Vampire (1995)
42. Monty Python's : The Life of Brian (1979)
41. As Good As It Gets (1997)
40. Interview With The Vampire (1994)
39. Rain Man (1988)
38. Pay It Forward (2000)
37. The Shining (1980)
36. 12 Monkeys (1995)
35. Alice In Wonderland (1951)
34. One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
33. Phantom of the Opera (2004)
32. Blade (1998)
31. Groundhog Day (1993)
30. From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
29. Planes, Trains And Automobiles (1987)
28. Beetlejuice (1988)
27. Wall-E (2008)
26. Ocean's Eleven (Series) (2001)
25. Young Frankenstein (1974)
24. Four Rooms (1995)
23. Oliver! (1968)
22. Brewster's Millions (1985)
21. Monkey Business (1931)
20. Rat Race (2001)
19. Scott Pilgrim Vs The World (2010)
18. South Park Bigger Longer & Uncut (1999)
17. Office Space (1999)
16. The Matrix (Series) (1999)
15. The Princess Bride (1987)
14. Ghostbusters (Series) (1984)
13. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
12. Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
11. The Court Jester (1955)

And now the top ten...

   I put off watching these movies until the first three had all come out on DVD. After watching the first one I was hooked and had to watch the others to get my fix. I kick myself for waiting so long to watch them but I am happy I finally did.

10. Pirates of the Caribbean (Series) (2003)

   When I was 10 years old I was in the family station wagon with my parents. We had just had dinner and stopped at the mall to wander around as my dad liked to do. When we got to the movie theater Dad decided he wanted to see a movie. There was a large cardboard standup ad that caught my eye. Apparantly it caught my father's as well because that's the movie we ended up seeing. I knew nothing about this film before hand and had no idea that I was about to watch a movie that would be such an iconic piece of cinema history. The sequels have all (yes I include the last one in this) been high quality and in there own way as good as the first.

9. Indiana Jones Raiders of the Lost Ark (Series) (1981)

   I was a Batman fan growing up. I loved the campy 70s TV series and various cartoons. But I had not read the comic books before I saw this epic piece of cinema. I had no idea how dark and wonderful Batman could be. Once the first of these movies hit video I got a copy for Christmas from my girlfriend at the time. I watched it so much I broke the tape. I am not as big a fan of the newer Dark Knight Batman movies and do not include them in this listing. Keaton by the way was the Best Batman since Adam West IMO including all that have worn the cowl up through this posting.

8. Batman (Including Batman Returns, Batman Forever, & Batman & Robin) (1989)

   When I was in high school I discovered this movie. I instantly fell in love with not only the movie but this pairs music as well as their comedic genius. Before high school I hadn't been allowed to watch SNL so I had never really seen them before. My best friend Brian and I both loved them and worked on a lip sync routine of one of their songs for our high school talent show. We never performed it in public but we did go together for Halloween in 1991 at the University of Memphis campus dressed as our heroes.

7. The Blues Brothers (1980)

   While I was still living as a room mate with my first ex her and her new boyfriend rented a movie one night. They asked if I'd like to watch it with them. I of course didn't really want to spend time with them but said I would watch a little but would probably head to the bar before too long. I sat and watched this story unfold on the screen before me. I found myself riveted and drawn in to the point that I was unaware of anything else around me except for the movie on the screen. Few movies have that kind of power but when you find one that does it becomes a part of you.

6. Forest Gump (1994)

    My family and I were in Memphis visiting family in the summer of 1985. My mom and aunt had some things they wanted to do that my Dad didn't want to be a part of for some reason so he decided to leave the womenfolk behind and take me out to lunch and a movie. These times with just my and my Dad were few and far between growing up but I always enjoyed them. It made me feel like he was actually happy to have me around. Something he normally not only didn't show but seemed to present the opposite opinion. Once again he took me to a movie I hadn't heard anything about up until that point and once again I felt as though my life had been changed some how. I saw all of these films in the theater for the first time though the first was the only one I saw with my father.

5. Back to the Future (Series) (1985)

   I was six years old. It was the summer after my first year of school. My dad loaded mom and me up in the car after diner and headed to the drive inn in Frasier, Tennessee. The mosquitoes were horrible but this film still captured my young imagination. It was light years ahead of its time. I have seen this motion picture at least a hundred times not including the sequels. I had every action figure they made up through Return of the Jedi. As well as a vast collection of other Star Wars toys. I was even a member of the Star Wars fan club and looked forward to my monthly copy of the newsletter "Bantha Tracks". It was my world as a child.

4. Star Wars (Episodes 4,5,&6) (1977)

   I had never read the books when this movie was released but I had heard references to it my whole life. As a child growing up I had seen the animated movie The Hobbit many times. I heard that this movie was coming out and looked forward to seeing it. I had a buddy at Cingular where I worked at the time that was also a bit of a geek and very much wanted to see it. So I invited him to come along with Kelley and I to see it. Kelley and I were married shortly before the first of these movies hit the theaters and sadly our relationship was over before the third movie was released. I missed about the first five minutes because I was being a devoted husband. I got the snacks for us so she could get our seat and not miss any of the movie. We saw this feature in IMAX so it was even more breathtaking than usual. Once again I was drawn in and taken away to a place between realities as the story unfolded on the screen before me. I waited eagerly each year for the next release.

3. Lord of the Rings (Series) (2001)

   The summer of 1995 I was hanging out with a bunch of my gamer friends. They wanted to go see this movie I had never heard of. Its funny how so many movies in my top 10 snuck up on me like that. Anyway I was always up for anything and said sure. We sat in the theater together watching this masterpiece. We screamed and yelled at the screen in delight during the battle scenes. Only after it was all over did I realize how long this movie had been. Once again I was transported while watching this piece of cinematic history. It held its place as my favorite movie of all time from the day I first saw it until this year. Even now watching the trailer I find myself sitting and staring transfixed and a bit choked up until it ends. This movie will always hold a very special place in my heart!

"In the Year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland - starving and outnumbered - charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets; they fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom"

2. Braveheart (1995)

   OK so here we are at the end of the list. My number one favorite movie of all time. I never thought any movie could ever dethrone Braveheart and claim this honor but this year I saw a film that did exactly that. I had heard of this movies ground breaking special effects and wanted to see it based on that alone. However as I watched this film it touched my soul. My pagan beliefs were echoed in the story of these people. It moved me to tears and I felt like I was somehow a kindred spirit of these Navi.

1. Avatar (2009)

    I do not expect you to agree with these choices. I do however hope that you find something on this list that inspires you to watch a movie you haven't seen or maybe even heard of before. I want to share my love of these films with you and that is why I took the time to write out this lengthy post. I hope you enjoyed sharing my love of cinema and I hope you have an awesome day!

A Little Bit Sexxy

December 18th - A Song that You Wish You Heard on the Radio

    Once again I don't listen to the radio except when in my car. Not having a car at the present time makes this impossible. However if I had a car and was going for a drive there are some songs I'd love to hear. I have a special place in my heart for the strange, bizarre, and downright weird. Unfortunately artists like Weird Al, They May Be Giants, and Monty Python don't get much (if any) play in most of the country. With that in mind I though I would bring you one of my favorite upbeat numbers from each of the mentioned artists. First up is of course the master...

Close But No Cigar - "Weird Al" Yankovic

   Next up is my favorite band. The video is a bit grainy but it was the best audio version of the song I could find on youtube

SEXXY - They Might Be Giants

   And lastly I couldn't do this particular challenge without mentioning this song. From my favorite British comedy team.

I Bet They Won't Play This Song On The Radio - Monty Python

   That's it for today. Thanks for stopping by to see what I had to offer. Take care and have an awesome day!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Radio? Hmm...

December 17th - A Song that You Hear Often on the Radio

   The only time I listen to the radio is when I am in my car. Since I have not had a car in four years now its been a while since I did. That being the case this is going to sound outdated. At the time however this song always seemed to play at least once provided I was in the car for more than 15 minutes. Prince originally performed this song but I prefer the Foo Fighters version. Not to mention it was the version that was getting the air play.

Darling Nikki - Foo Fighters

   As you may know if you are a regular reader of my blog. I used to deliver pizzas for a living. Back in those days I was in my car almost constantly. At that time I had two radio stations I listened to depending on my mood. One was Alternative Rock, and one was Oldies. I had a favorite I listened for on each station. Every time I heard one of these tunes I would crank the volume and jam out. I don't know that they were played more than any other song but I took more notice of them when they were. The Alternative Rock station song was...

Camel Walk - Southern Culture On The Skids

    And the song on the Oldies station was...

Jump In The Line (Shake Senora) - Harry Belafonte

    This last song of course was featured in Beetlejuice. One of my favorite films and why I chose to use the version featuring clips from it. Well I hope you had fun here today. I know I was rocking out while typing this up. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

This May Take A Minute

December 16th - A Song that You Used to Love But Now Hate

   This is a hard category for me. I have many songs I used to hate and now love but not many the other way around. Poison's Every Rose Has Its Thorn almost made this category recently. This past year it seemed to pop up EVERYWHERE. The over use really got on my nerves. Thankfully it receded in its appearances before it crossed the line. I am just too much a fan of music I guess. I have to have something hammered into me mercilessly to develop a hatred of it. OK let's see there has to be at least one. *Enters a meditative state to ponder the question* This may take a moment hang in there folks... *hold music begins to play*

The Girl From Ipanema (Instrumental) - The Music Of Brazil

   OK I'm back with you now. Sorry for the interruption. I have accessed the deepest recess of my memory banks in search of a song to fit this challenge and I think I may have found one. Garth Brooks my favorite country music artist. I had a friend when I worked at Pizza Hut that also loved Garth Brooks. He was an assistant manager so he stayed in the store while I went out to deliver the orders. For a solid month every time I came back from a run it seemed like this damn song was playing. At the time it made me hate it. Enough time has passed now that it is just a dislike. But if I hear it coming on and I have the power to skip it or change to another channel I do. So here it is...

Shameless - Garth Brooks

Alrighty then, that was a tough one but we got through it. Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. Take care of your selves and your loved ones, and have a super awesome day!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Already Did That One

December 15th - A Song that Describes You

   Well the best song for this is Weird Al's White And Nerdy but I used that one for Day One Favorite Song. Which is truly a pity because no other song truly captures me as well as that one. However I have mulled it over and I think I found a good runner up. Although it only captures my love of computers I think this song is about the best choice for a song that describes me next to White And Nerdy.

Its All About The Pentiums - "Weird Al" Yankovic

   Back when the Pentium chip first came out I was one of the few among my nerdy friends to get one. I took great pride in my self taught computer building, upgrading, & repairing skills. I loved this song when it came out. I found it to be very hilarious and it struck a chord with me due to my love of computers. I also identify with another song of his, particularly on days when I am depressed or things aren't going my way. This used to be a lot more often than it is now thankfully but some days everyone gets the blues.

Generic Blues - "Weird Al" Yankovic

   Well that's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by on your way to do something more productive. Take care and have an awesome day!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good Old Days

December 14th - A Song that No One Would Expect You to Love

   I don't know that anyone that really knows me well would be shocked by anything I started playing. My musical tastes are extremely diverse. I listen to everything from opera, to rap, to alternative, to country, to folk music sometimes back to back. So I decided to go for pure shock factor of the song. I used to listen to this back in my early 20s when it came out. This and Ass Ponies Little Bastard came out around the same time, part of the 90s grunge movement.

I'm Ugly and I Don't Know Why - Butt Trumpet

   I used to love cruising around with my gamer friends and cranking these angry tunes. It was awesome stress release. Not to mention listening to your friends yelling and cursing along with a song is always funny. Well thanks for stopping by. I hope you have an awesome day!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Brace Yourself

December 13th - A Song That is a Guilty Pleasure

   Well to truly be a guilty pleasure you would have to feel guilty for listening to said song. Or possibly hide the fact that you listen to a certain song. Being an almost painfully honest person that isn't really the case for me for any song. However there is a song that makes me feel somehow dirty for liking. Being a Pagan Christian music is the last thing I normally want to listen to. However being a fan of music I will not dismiss a song out of hand because its a certain genre, or because a certain person or band sings it. I discovered this song on youtube a few years ago. While I do not agree with the Christian religion on the whole, I do like the story behind this song. I follows my underlying belief that everything happens for a reason. It also reinforces the fact that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Just because someone is what YOU consider to be a dirty or unsavory person doesn't mean there isn't some good in them. Something that Christians seem to gloss over more often than not.

Three Wooden Crosses - Randy Travis

   I like quite a few of Randy Travis' songs. He has a great voice and his songs normally tell a story. You don't have to agree with a person, religion, ideal, or point of view to enjoy their music. Being willing to look past these differences and make your own decisions about things is what will help unite us as human beings. Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you have an awesome day!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

More Boy Band Madness

December 12th - A Song From a Band You Hate

   Well I already picked on the Backstreet Boys. So I think this time I'll bash the band I consider to be their partners in crime. Yes that's right N'Sync! I would have been quite happy if both of these bands fell off the face of the earth back in the mid 90s. I will admit that I like Justin Timberlake these days. But as a comedian NOT as a singer! He is hilarious in the skits on SNL. So much so he has made me forget I used to hate him for his crimes against music with his boy band cronies. So it is my distinct displeasure to bring you this...

Bye Bye Bye - N'Sync

    I wish they had gone gone gone! Why do I hate boy bands so much? Maybe its because I'm a straight male. Maybe its because I have a musically trained ear. But I think its really because they turn women into annoying, screaming, stupid, pathetic masses of quivering flesh. They don't posses super powers ladies they are just a bunch of guys who's voices have been computer enhanced to sell more records. Everything about them has been faked to make them more popular. Seeing them in concert is like watching a really bad musical and seeing them being interviewed is like watching a well rehearsed court deposition. Go listen to some real music and if you want to get turned on do what guys do and go watch some porn!

Alrighty then that about wraps it up for today. Thanks for stopping off briefly to see what I had to say. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I Know What Your Thinking But He's Just a Guy

December 11th - A Song From Your Favorite Band

    Well of course my favorite musical artist is Weird Al. He of course has his regular back up band. But when I think of the term band it just doesn't apply to him and his cronies. In my opinion, Weird Al would be just as good alone or with other people backing him. This makes him stand out as an artist in my mind not a band. When I think of the question "Who's your favorite band?" one group jumps to mind. They Might Be Giants is a talented group of guys. They better fit the term band and truly their music would not be the same without all of them. Now when you think TMBG most people think of Particle Man or Istanbul (Not Constantinople). While those are great songs there is another that claims the title of my favorite TMBG's song.

Why Does The Sun Shine? - They Might Be Giants

   Yes as I've stated before and in my profile I am a geek. I like the scientific aspects of this song. It contains accurate information that helps informs in a fun way. Not to mention it just makes me happy. And while we are speaking of TMBG I think I will give you a second helping of their greatness. The first TMBG album I ever bought was "Flood". This album of course did not have "Why Does The Sun Shine?" on it. So my favoitre song from that album was...

Whistling in the Dark - They Might Be Giants

I hope you enjoyed these songs and thanks for stopping by. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Calming Moment

December 10th - A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

   This song always relaxes me. It helps me clear my head which is a hard thing to do. I always seem to have those stray thoughts that snowball and lead you down a path of tangent thinking when you are trying to fall asleep or meditate. This is one of the few songs that I can just focus on the music clear and head and be at peace. Unfortunately that usually means falling asleep if I listen to it long enough. But at least I have it in reserve as a tool for when I need it. There is a quote I love by Berthold Auerbach (a German novelist). "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." I wholeheartedly believe that and for me it is never so true as when its said about this song.

Halcyon On and On - Orbital

Thanks for stopping by to give my thoughts a read and a listen. I hope you have an awesome day!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


December 9th - A Song You Can Dance To

    Back in my Pizza Delivery days this movie hit the theaters. This song became a fast favorite. I would play it driving down the street in my little blue Ford Festiva making the car swerve and jerk as the song played. The car looked like it was dancing as the music blared out. Those were fun times. I really miss that car.

Cuban Pete - Jim Carrey

The footage I wanted to use is here but that version does not allow embeding. Well I guess that does it for today. Another short and sweet one. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Darnack's Gyros

Darnack's Gyros

10 oz Greek Yogurt
10 TBS Ranch
6 Whole Pita Bread (I like white but use what you like)
1 LB Ground Beef
1 LB Ground Lamb
1 13.5 oz Can of Whole Leaf Spinach
1 2.25 oz Can of Black Olives
8 oz Crumbled Feta Cheese
Seasonings ( These are for the meat season to taste. I use salt, black pepper, garlic salt, oregano, parsley flakes, celery seed, & 2 or 3 TBS of Red Wine Vinegar)

+ Combine Greek yogurt and ranch in a small bowl and mix thoroughly. Stash in the fridge until you are ready to build your gyros.

+ Brown beef and lamb together in the same pan. Season to taste, and make sure to drain the fat once its finished. While meat is browning make sure the pita bread is cut in half and opened in pocket form. If its not do it.

+ Open and drain the spinach and dump into the pan with the meat. Stir thoroughly and mix almost constantly until the spinach is thoroughly heated.

+ Remove from the heat. Open and drain the black lives and add them as well as the feta cheese to the mixture. Stir until thoroughly combined.

+ Grab the sauce from the fridge and begin building.

+ Grab a pita half and put a spoonful of sauce in the bottom of the pita. Spread it a bit so that the bottom is lined with the sauce. Spoon in enough of the meat mixture to fill the pita without any falling out if you squish it lightly in your hand. Put another spoonful of sauce across the top of the mixture inside the pita and set aside. Complete these steps until all the Gyros are assembled.

For me this made 5 whole pitas (10 halves) worth of Gyros. Using White pita bread this recipe comes to about 429 calories per half gyro. 2 halves fill you up nicely. So this would feed 5 or 6 as a stand alone meal. Add sides if desired.


I hope you enjoyed this recipe. If you cook this I'd love to hear what you thought. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

Yorkshire Pudding

Yorkshire Pudding

3/4 cup of AP flour
1/2 tsp salt
3 large eggs
3/4 cup of milk
1/2 pan drippings from roast beef
(pan drippings can be simulated with the following : 1/2 cup of water, 1 beef bouillon cube, 1 TBS of soy sauce, 1/4 stick *2 TBS* Butter; microwave on high for 2 minutes and stir thoroughly)

+ Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Butter and flour a 9 inch pie pan. Pour pan drippings into prepared pie pan and put in the oven while you mix the dough.

+ Beat eggs. Pour in milk & beat until frothy. sift in flour and salt and mix until smooth.

+ Remove pan from oven and pour batter into the hot liquid. Return to the oven and bake for 20 - 25 minutes until golden brown.

This recipe as a whole has 1100 calories (using the simulated pan drippings).


I hope you enjoyed this recipe. If you cook this I'd love to hear what you thought. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

Can we have your liver then?

December 8th - A Song that You Know All The Words To

   I pride myself on knowing all the words to most of my favorite songs. However there is one in particular that I am particularly proud to show off with. I learned all the words almost immediately after hearing it the first time way back in my high school days.

The Galaxy Song - Monty Python

    I love Monty Python. This song in particular is great for singing as you lay out under a blanket of stars starring up and pondering your place in the universe. Thanks for checking in with me today. I hope you have an awesome day!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

They Have More Than Chocolate You Know!

December 7th - A Song That Reminds You of a Certain Event

   For my 25th birthday two of my best friends got together and got me one of the best gifts I've ever received. An "all expenses" covered three day trip to Hershey, Pennsylvania. This is of course the home of the Main Hershey's Plant and theme park. Now it wasn't getting to go here that was the cool part. The truly awesome part was that on the second day of the trip Weird Al Yankovic was performing a free concert for park patrons. I had never seen Weird Al in person before so I was super excited. Seating was on a first come first serve basis so I stood in line for three hours (about an hour of which was in the drizzling rain) to make sure I got a good seat. No I was not first in line but I was about 20th or so so I got a seat in the front row center. The show was fabulous and I had an amazing time. However the most memorable part was before the concert. About an hour before the show was supposed to start Weird Al arrived via golf cart and waved at those of us waiting patiently for a good seat to see him. We briefly made eye contact as he waved and looked over the waiting fans. Then he went inside to get ready for the show. A short time later the band started warming up. they played chords and riffs from some of his songs but nothing major. And then there was a few moments of silence followed by the beginning of this song.

Melanie - "Weird Al" Yankovic

   They played the entire song. The only song they played in its entirety in rehearsal. They did not play it in the concert. It was kind of just a special treat for those of us who had been waiting for so long for the best seats that were close enough to hear them warming up. It was like a gift from him to us for being his devoted fans. I love "Weird Al"! He is my favorite musical artist and an all around good guy.

Well that wraps up another one. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

Monday, December 6, 2010

And Where is the Batman?

December 6th - A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere

   Summer of 1989 the original Batman movie was released in theaters (yes there was a 1970s campy Batman movie but we aren't talking about that one). It was THE movie of the summer. Everyone was talking about it Prince's music filled the radio and television. The country had Batman fever. Fall of 1989 I began college at the University of Tennessee at Martin. I was a Music Education major and was in the marching band. As part of our halftime show we did the Batman theme. The Danny Elfman version from the movie, very dark and ominous. The pinnacle of which we had someone in a Batman costume come out of a box in the middle of the field concealed by smoke bombs and climb on top of it. We formed a giant bat symbol on the field where in the center was where Batman was. It never failed to get the crowd on their feet. After the song ended we moved into this song.

Batdance - Prince

   Complete with dancing flag corp girls half dressed as Joker's half dressed as Batman recreating Prince's video and dance fighting each other on the field. It was awesome. Every time I hear this song I am taken back to my experiences at UT Martin. Its always funny how one song can encapsulate so much and trigger so many memories.

That about does it for today. Thanks for checking in with me today. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fond Memories of Hate

December 5th - A Song That Reminds You of Someone

   Although there are many songs that make me think of people I've known. There is one song that really nails the spirit of this statement. Right after my last ex dumped me and started acting like a psycho bitch (for the whole story, in case you missed it, go back and read "Three Installments No Waiting." Installment 8) this song came out. It was like a sign from above saying yeah dude its totally and completely over, move on. I would crank it up and sing along and occasionally glance in her direction. She never even tried to deny it. She did in fact hate me!

She Fucking Hates Me - Puddle of Mudd

   I had to use a version without the video to get the original uncensored version. Why the hell does everyone feel the need to censor shit?!? I'm an adult I do not need other people to decide what I can or can't and should or shouldn't listen to or watch. If I had a child I would be a good parent and censor what they were allowed to view and watch. I would not expect others to handle my parental responsibilities. And don't even get me started on Wal-mart. Ever buy a CD there only to discover that Wal-mart took it upon themselves to censor it without putting any kind of label on it saying they had done so? I have! Bastards! OK enough of that this wasn't supposed to be a rant about censorship. I hope you enjoyed the song. Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. Have a fucking awesome day!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A River of Sadness

December 4th - A Song That Makes You Sad

   Ok you knew this one was going to be a Country song right? Come on now, I'm a Southern boy after all. When it comes to sad songs Country songs always win. You know how when you hear a song playing and no mattering what you're doing time sort of stops. You drift off in your head and you are just lost to the world until the song ends. A good sad song always does that to me. So here's my choice and then I'll discuss why.

Whiskey Lullaby - Brad Paisley & Alison Krauss

   This song is incredibly sad in its own right. However for me it strikes a chord. I spent about a year of my life doing the same thing. It was after my first ex and I realized we didn't work as a couple but while we were still room mates. She had not only moved on and started dating another guy but he had moved in with her / us. Although I knew we didn't work as a couple I was still very much in love with her. So rather than subject myself to coming home from work everyday and seeing them together I went to the local bar. I'd go home, shower change, maybe grab some food (most nights I didn't even bother) and head to Morrie's Tavern. A local, what I called, redneck bar. It was two blocks at most from my house so even if I was too drunk to drive home I could walk home and then walk back to get my car the next morning. Some days I didn't even bother going home first. I'd go straight to the bar if I got off work early to make sure I got to partake in happy hour. Then more often then not I'd just stay for the night. The bar closed during the week at 1am and on the weekend at 3am and most nights I closed it down. There was a bar at the other end of town that was open two hours later every night and occasionally I'd head there after closing down Morrie's. Being the South the bars were closed on Sunday but I had Sunday's and Monday's off. So I'd find somewhere else to be on Sunday's. It was my one day a week to dry out. The other six days a week if I wasn't at work I was either drinking or drunk. The one thing I learned from this was rather obvious. If you drink to escape your problems, once you sober up your problems are still there waiting for you.

   Well that's my little story for the day. Thanks for stopping by to read it. My wish for you is to never know this kind of sadness in your life. Have an awesome day!

Friday, December 3, 2010


December 3rd - A Song That Makes You Happy

   There are many songs that bring a smile to my face as I listen to them. But none makes me as happy as this one. This is largely due to the fact that my best friend HATES it. I love to torture her with it from time to time. I have to be careful though cause if I do it to often I really make her mad. There is a tradition of "Rick Rolling" people especially on YouTube. I like to do this with her but with this song instead. I call this gumming her.

The Gummy Bear Song - Gummibär

I hope this song brought a smile to your face as it always does to mine. Thanks for stopping by. Take care of yourselves and have an awesome day!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

OW! My ears!

December 2nd - Your Least Favorite Song

   Ok this one I had to think of for a while. My musical taste is varied and complex. I listen to Everything from Opera to Rap and everything in between. I try to keep an open mind when listening to new music and not judge it before even hearing it because its a certain genre or because a certain artist I tend to dislike performs it. With that in mind I tried to think what song really makes my skin crawl every time I start to hear it. Thus forcing me to change the channel or leave the room howling in pain. And I finally decided on...

Everybody (Backstreet's Back) - Backstreet Boys 

   Backstreet's Back... Thanks for the warning EVERYBODY RUN! I tend to dislike boy bands a GREAT deal. I try VERY hard not to impune a song because a group of (somewhat untalented, possibly gay) guys are forced to sing it to make young girls scream. But this song in particular really annoys the crap out of me.

   I feel bad leaving you with such a HORRID taste in your mouth so just to prove I don't hate ALL boy band music here is one I actually like.

ABC - Jackson 5

   YES the Jackson 5 is ABSOLUTELY a boy band. Possibly the 1st boy band ever. Back in a time when Micheal was still young and innocent... and black. (Just a joke settle down Micheal Jackson fans.)

That about does it for today. Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to give this a read & a listen. Hug a friend today for no reason and have an awesome day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Darnack's Homemade Chili

Darnack's  Homemade Chili

2 Pounds of Ground Beef
4 15.5 ounce Cans of Dark Red Kidney Beans
3 Can's of Bush's Chili Beans
1 Can of Ro-Tel Diced Tomatoes & Green Chilies
8 TBS Ketchup (approximately)
Seasonings (salt, black pepper, garlic powder, oregano, paprika, chili powder, dried chilies seasoning mix) *this is just what I use feel free to use whatever seasonings you prefer*
2 Cups Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
1 to 2 Sleeves of Saltine Crackers

+ Spray a little cooking spray in your skillet and put on medium heat. Once hot you will brown the ground beef here.

+ In a large pot (I use a 4.5 L pot and this recipe fills it almost to the rim) squirt in some ketchup in long strips over and over until the bottom of the pan is lightly covered in ketchup. This will take about 8 tablespoons or 1/2 cup. This will act as a heat buffer at first for the bottom beans and will help flavor the dish. I like to alternate cans as I go and after you get one can of beans in the pot turn on the heat to medium. Be careful pouring in the first can to not disturb the ketchup as much as possible. Start with a can of kidney beans, then a can of chili beans, kidney beans, chili beans, Ro-Tel, kidney beans, chili beans, and then the final can of chili beans.

+ Now break up the ground beef in the pan and season. Stir once and then season the bean mixture. After the beans have been seasoned stir them well for the first time making sure to stir in all the semi hardened ketchup on the bottom.

+ Keep stirring the ground beef until it is fully browned keeping an eye on the beans and stirring them occasionally as well. Drain almost all of the fat off of the ground beef. Save a little for flavor and pour the ground beef into the beans.  Stir it thoroughly and wait for the mixture to reach a solid boil.

+ Stir again then cover for 10 minutes, do not reduce heat yet. Uncover, stir, replace cover for 10 more minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low, uncover stir and let cook for 10 minutes uncovered. Stir and cover for 15 minutes. This makes a total cooking time once everything is in the pot of 45 minutes. Turn off the heat, uncover, stir, serve, and enjoy.

+ Sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese on top of each bowlful and serve with crackers.

This recipe feeds 6 and each serving is about 1038 Calories not including crackers (Assuming you use all the cheese evenly between the 6 bowls)


I hope you enjoyed this recipe. If you cook this I'd love to hear what you thought. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

New Month New Challenge

   OK for this month my friend Casey sent me an idea that she is doing on her blog this month. I changed the 25th to a Christmas theme to extend it to a 31 day challenge. This month I will do these daily seeing as I can actually start at the beginning of the month. Here is the full list of what to look forward to:

1-Your Favorite Song

2-Your Least Favorite Song

3-A Song That Makes You Happy

4-A Song That Makes You Sad

5-A Song That Reminds You of Someone

6-A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere

7-A Song That Reminds You of a Certain Event

8- A Song that You Know All The Words To

9-A Song You Can Dance To

10-A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

11-A Song From Your Favorite Band

12-A Song From a Band You Hate

13-A Song That is a Guilty Pleasure

14-A Song that No One Would Expect You to Love

15-A Song that Describes You

16-A Song that You Used to Love But Now Hate

17-A Song that You Hear Often on the Radio

18- A Song that You Wish You Heard on the Radio

19-A Song From Your Favorite Album

20- A Song You Listen to When You're Angry

21-A Song You Listen to When You're Happy

22-A Song You Listen to When You're Sad

23-A Song That You Want to Play at Your Wedding

24-A Song You Want to Play at Your Funeral

25-Your Favorite Christmas Song

26-A Song That Makes You Laugh

27-A Song That You Can Play on An Instrument

28- A Song That You Wish You Could Play

29- A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

30- A Song From Your Childhood

31- Your Favorite Song At This Time Last Year

I finally got this embedding thing down too so this should be cool! OK then let's get started shall we?

December 1st - Your Favorite Song

White And Nerdy - "Weird Al" Yankovic

Weird Al Yankovic is my favorite musical artist of all time. This song is my favorite because I myself am White & Nerdy. This song is funny, catchy and all too true. I love it and I love Weird Al !

Well thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog today. I hope you have an awesome day!